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あくまでも (akuma demo)


akuma demo


Used to emphasize that something is being done in a particular way, regardless of other possibilities or opinions. It can be translated as 'to the very end' or 'no matter what'.

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Key Formation

  • Verb (plain) + あくまでも

    走り続けるあくまでも (To keep running no matter what)

  • Noun + あくまでも

    リーダーの役割を果たすあくまでも (To fulfill the role of a leader no matter what)

Example Sentences

  • 私はあくまでも自分の信念を貫きます。

    I will stick to my beliefs no matter what.


    Watashi wa akuma demo jibun no shinnen o tsuranukimasu.

  • 彼はあくまでも自分のやり方を守る人です。

    He is a person who sticks to his own way of doing things no matter what.


    Kare wa akuma demo jibun no yarikata o mamoru hito desu.

  • 彼女はあくまでも自分の意見に従います。

    She follows her own opinion to the very end.


    Kanojo wa akuma demo jibun no iken ni shitagaimasu.

  • 私たちはあくまでも平和を求めます。

    We are determined to seek peace at all costs.


    Watashitachi wa akuma demo heiwa o motomemasu.

  • あくまでも日本の伝統を守ります。

    We will preserve Japanese traditions to the very end.


    Akuma demo Nihon no dentou o mamorimasu.

Notes and Tips for JLPT students

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • ともかく (tomokaku) - (N1)
    - While both あくまでも (akuma demo) and ともかく (tomokaku) express emphasis, あくまでも (akuma demo) emphasizes sticking to one's course of action, while ともかく (tomokaku) emphasizes putting aside other considerations and focusing on the main point.
  • とは限らない (to wa kagiranai) - (N1)
    - あくまでも (akuma demo) expresses determination to the very end, while とは限らない (to wa kagiranai) expresses that something is not necessarily limited to a certain extent.
  • ものなら (mono nara) - (N1)
    - Both あくまでも (akuma demo) and ものなら (mono nara) express strong determination, but あくまでも (akuma demo) emphasizes sticking to one's course of action, while ものなら (mono nara) emphasizes taking a certain action if given the opportunity or situation.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 自分 (じぶん)oneself
  • * 信念 (しんねん)belief/principle
  • * 貫く (つらぬく)to stick to/to persevere
  • * 自分のやり方 (じぶんのやりかた)one's own way of doing things
  • * 守る (まもる)to protect/to adhere
  • * 意見 (いけん)opinion
  • * 従う (したがう)to follow/to obey
  • * 平和 (へいわ)peace
  • * 求める (もとめる)to seek/to look for
  • * 伝統 (でんとう)tradition


Which of the following sentences means 'He sticks to his principles no matter what.'?

  • 彼はあくまでも自分の信念を貫きます。
  • 彼はあくまでも他の方法も考えます。
  • 彼はあくまでも他人の意見を尊重します。

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