
で (de) すら (sura)


de sura


すら (sura) is a particle that emphasizes the extreme nature of the preceding word or phrase. It indicates that even something unexpected or exceptional is true.

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Key Formation

  • Noun + ですら

    天才ですら (Even genius)

  • Phrase + ですら

    解けなかったですら (Even couldn't solve)

Example Sentences

  • 彼の演技は素晴らしく、プロフェッショナルですらある。 (Inspired by a movie)

    His acting is wonderful, and even professional.


    Kare no engi wa subarashiku, purofesshonaru de sura aru.

  • 彼女の美しさは芸術ですらある。

    Her beauty is artistic, even.


    Kanojo no utsukushisa wa geijutsu de sura aru.

  • 彼の才能は天才ですらある。 (Inspired by a book)

    His talent is genius, even.


    Kare no sainou wa tensai de sura aru.

  • この難問は専門家ですら解けなかった。 (Inspired by a test question)

    Even experts couldn't solve this difficult problem.


    Kono nanmon wa senmonka de sura tokenakatta.

  • 彼の努力は賞を取るですら足りない。

    His effort is not even enough to win an award.


    Kare no doryoku wa shou o toru de sura tarinai.

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • さえ (sae) - (N2)
    - Both で (de) すら (sura) and さえ (sae) are used to emphasize the extreme nature of the preceding word or phrase. However, さえ (sae) is more common and can be used in both formal and informal situations, while で (de) すら (sura) is rarer and mainly used in formal or written language.
  • しか (shika) - (N2)
    - で (de) すら (sura) and しか (shika) are both used to emphasize limitation or exception. However, しか (shika) indicates that there is no other option or possibility, while で (de) すら (sura) emphasizes the extreme nature of the preceding word or phrase.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 演技 (えんぎ)acting
  • * 素晴らしい (すばらしい)wonderful
  • * プロフェッショナル (ぷろふぇっしょなる)professional
  • * 美しさ (うつくしさ)beauty
  • * 芸術 (げいじゅつ)art
  • * 才能 (さいのう)talent
  • * 天才 (てんさい)genius
  • * 解けなかった (とけなかった)could not solve
  • * 難問 (なんもん)difficult problem
  • * 専門家 (せんもんか)expert
  • * (しょう)award
  • * 足りない (たりない)not enough
  • * 子供 (こども)child


Which of the following means 'Even a child can do it'?

  • 子供ですらできる。
  • 子供でもできる。
  • 子供はできる。