


(yo)u ga ~mai ga/(yo)u to ~mai to


Used to express that regardless of a certain condition or situation, the outcome or action will remain the same. It emphasizes the speaker's determination or strong intention.

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Key Formation

  • Verb (volitional form) + が/と + Verb (negative volitional form) + が/と

    勉強しようがしまいが (Whether I study or not)

  • Verb (volitional form) + と/まいと + Verb

    行こうと行くまいと (Whether I go or not)

Example Sentences

  • 勉強しようがしまいが、試験に落ちた。

    Whether I study or not, I failed the exam.


    Benkyou shiyou ga shimai ga, shiken ni ochita.

  • 行こうと行くまいと、彼女には会わない。

    Whether I go or not, I won't meet her.


    Ikou to iku mai to, kanojo ni wa awanai.

  • 政府は抗議しようがしまいが、対応しないだろう。 (Inspired by a current event)

    Whether the government protests or not, they probably won't respond.


    Seifu wa kougi shiyou ga shimai ga, taiou shinai darou.

  • 誰が止めようと止めるまいと、私はやり遂げる。

    Whether anyone tries to stop me or not, I will accomplish it.


    Dare ga tomeyou to tomeru mai to, watashi wa yaritogeru.

  • 彼女が言おうと言うまいと、私の意見は変わらない。 (Inspired by a book)

    Whether she says it or not, my opinion won't change.


    Kanojo ga iou to iu mai to, watashi no iken wa kawaranai.

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • といい~といい (~toi ~toi) - (N1)
    - Both (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと and といい~といい (~toi ~toi) express that regardless of different possibilities, the outcome or situation is the same. However, (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと emphasizes the speaker's strong intention or determination, while といい~といい (~toi ~toi) expresses a desired or favorable situation.
  • にしても~にしても (~ni shitemo ~ni shitemo) - (N1)
    - Both (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと and にしても~にしても (~ni shitemo ~ni shitemo) indicate that regardless of one situation or another, the result or action is the same. However, (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと emphasizes the speaker's determination, while にしても~にしても (~ni shitemo ~ni shitemo) presents both situations on an equal level.
  • に関わらず (ni kakawarazu) - (N1)
    - Both (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと and に関わらず (ni kakawarazu) express that regardless of a certain condition or situation, the outcome or action will remain the same. However, (よ)うが~まいが/(よ)うと~まいと emphasizes the speaker's determination, while に関わらず (ni kakawarazu) is a more neutral expression.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 勉強 (べんきょう)study
  • * 試験 (しけん)exam
  • * 落ちる (おちる)fall (in context of failing an exam)
  • * 行く (いく)go
  • * 会う (あう)meet
  • * 政府 (せいふ)government
  • * 抗議 (こうぎ)protest
  • * 対応 (たいおう)response
  • * (だれ)who
  • * 止める (とめる)stop
  • * やり遂げる (やりとげる)accomplish
  • * 彼女 (かのじょ)she
  • * 言う (いう)say
  • * 意見 (いけん)opinion
  • * 変わる (かわる)change


Choose the correct translation: 彼は実行しようがしまいが、結果は同じだった。

  • Whether he carried it out or not, the result was the same.
  • He carried it out regardless of the result.
  • He didn't carry it out, so the result was different.