

音読み:gyou, kai


Onyomi 音読み



Kunyomi 訓読み



Dawn, daybreak

Personalized Lesson For You!

Kanji Story

Imagine standing on a hilltop and witnessing the break of dawn. The sky slowly transitions from darkness to light, revealing the beauty of a new day.

Frequency in JLPT exams

The kanji '暁' is a higher-level N1 character, meaning it is less frequently encountered in JLPT materials. However, it is still important to be familiar with its readings and meanings for comprehensive understanding of advanced level texts.

Example Sentences

  • 暁の光が東の空に広がった。

    The light of dawn spread across the eastern sky.


    akatsuki no hikari ga higashi no sora ni hirogatta.

  • 彼は毎朝暁に起きる習慣がある。

    He has a habit of waking up at dawn every morning.


    kare wa maiasa akatsuki ni okiru shuukan ga aru.

  • 暁の海は美しかった。

    The sea at daybreak was beautiful.


    akatsuki no umi wa utsukushikatta.

Notes and Tips for JLPT students

  • The kanji '暁' is a higher-level N1 kanji, which means it is less likely to appear in lower-level JLPT exams.
  • Pay attention to the different readings of '暁'. 'あかつき' is the kunyomi reading for 'dawn' while 'ギョウ' and 'カイ' are the onyomi readings often used in compound words.
  • Understanding the stroke order is important to write '暁' correctly and recognize it in written materials.

Usage in Japanese Names

  • Names like '暁子' (Akako) or '暁太郎' (Akatarou) use the kanji '暁'. It is often associated with the image of a person who brings light or brightness.