



Onyomi 音読み


Kunyomi 訓読み




Personalized Lesson For You!

Kanji Story

Imagine a tree with branches representing different seasons. Each branch is adorned with unique symbols and colors, representing the distinct characteristics of each season.

Frequency in JLPT exams

The kanji '季' is included in the N2 level of the JLPT. While not extremely common, it appears in vocabulary related to seasons and time. Understanding its meaning and readings is important for both kanji and reading comprehension sections of the exam.

Example Sentences

  • 四季がはっきりしている地域が好きです。

    I like regions with clearly defined four seasons.


    Shiki ga hakkiri shite iru chiiki ga suki desu.

  • 季節の変わり目は体調に注意が必要です。

    It is important to take care of your health during the change of seasons.


    Kisetsu no kawarime wa taichou ni chuui ga hitsuyou desu.

  • 夏の暑い季節が苦手です。

    I'm not good with the hot summer season.


    Natsu no atsui kisetsu ga nigate desu.

Notes and Tips for JLPT students

  • While '季' is not as commonly used as some other kanji, it is still essential to learn for the JLPT exam.
  • Pay attention to the reading 'とき' which means 'time' and is often used in words related to seasons and timing.
  • Understanding the concept of 'four seasons' and the related vocabulary can help in both kanji and reading comprehension sections of the exam.

Usage in Japanese Names

  • 季 can be used as a part of a person's name, for example, 季月 (Kitsuki) or 季子 (Kiko). It can give a meaning related to the changing of seasons.