



Onyomi 音読み


Kunyomi 訓読み



Victory, win, conquer

Personalized Lesson For You!

Kanji Story

Imagine a soldier raising his sword in triumph after a hard-fought battle. This represents the concept of victory and winning that the kanji '勝' embodies.

Frequency in JLPT exams

The kanji '勝' is a moderately common character in JLPT materials, especially at the N3 level. Its usage is mainly seen in vocabulary and reading comprehension sections of the exam.

Example Sentences

  • 彼は試合に勝ちました。

    He won the match.


    kare wa shiai ni kachimashita.

  • 彼女はいつも勝つために頑張っています。

    She always works hard to win.


    kanojo wa itsumo katsu tame ni ganbatteimasu.

  • 夢を叶えるために、困難を勝ち取ろう。

    Let's overcome difficulties to make our dreams come true.


    yume o kanaeru tame ni, konnan o kachitorou.

Notes and Tips for JLPT students

  • The kanji '勝' is frequently used in contexts related to victory and winning, making it important to know for the JLPT.
  • Remember the reading 'katsu' as it is commonly used in words related to winning, such as '勝つ' (katsu - to win) and '勝利' (shouri - victory).
  • Practice writing the kanji to remember its stroke order, which can help in reading comprehension sections of the JLPT.
  • Pay attention to compound words using '勝' as they often convey the meaning of success or achievement.

Usage in Japanese Names

  • The kanji '勝' can be found in names like '勝太郎' (Katsutarou) or '勝美' (Katsumi). It is often chosen for its meaning of victory and success.