This is a list of all vocabulary points covered in the JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1 tests.
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あくどい (akudoi)
あくどいtasteless; gaudy; flashy
あざ (aza)
あせる (こえが~) (aseru (koega ~))
aseru (koega ~)to be impatient; to be flustered; to sweat; to feel nervous
あっさり (assari)
assarieasily; readily; simply; plainly; without much flavor or seasoning
あつらえる (atsuraeru)
atsuraeruto order; to request; to have something made
あべこべ (abekobe)
あべこべcontrary; opposite; reversed
あやふや (ayafuya)
ayafuyavague; ambiguous; uncertain
ありのまま (arinomama)
ありのままas it is; in its true state; in its natural state
ありふれる (arifureru)
ありふれるcommon; ordinary; typical; mundane
いい加減 (ii kagen)
いいかげんhalf-hearted; vague; irresolute; careless; reckless; haphazard
いかに (ikani)
いかにhow; in what way
いかにも (ikamo)
ikamotruly; really; indeed; as one would expect
いざ (iza)
いざnow; at last; the time has come
いじる (ijiru)
いじるto tamper with; to meddle with; to fiddle with; to touch (something) lightly
いたって (itatte)
いたってquite; extremely; very